T.E.E.C.H Trainings
Recovery Coach Training (30 CEUs)
Naloxone Training
Monthly ROSC
T.E.E.C.H is committed to staying informed. We offer training to the community and professional staff.
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC)
T.E.E.C.H understands the impact that substance use and mental health have on the community, family, and friends so we developed a ROSC council that is a platform to allow voices to be heard.
Recovery Community Organization (RCO) We are educating the community about substance use, mental health, and long-term recovery. Addressing stigmas and the struggles of maintaining long-term recovery.

Vocational Training
T.E.E.C.H offers job readiness skills and training so each individual who enters our program can become self-supportive and understand their self-worth. This can enhance their self-esteem so they become mindful of their values and goals. They are trained on environmental services using green products carpentry, and landscaping. These trainings allow them to obtain employment in numerous organizations or to become self-employed if they choose too. T.E.E.C.H has established relationships with organizations that hire those who complete the T.E.E.C.H program, giving us an overall success rate of 98% of individuals who have entered the program remained in recovery and are gainfully employed, and have obtained their own housing.
Employment Coaching
​Job Readiness
Computer Lab
Employment Training and Placement
Environmental Services with Green Products
Free 7-Day Ventra Cards

Celebrating and Supporting
the success of our participants who have successfully gained employment, a key part of building self sufficiency. Our goal is to help strengthen individuals to become stable and productive members of society. We all benefit from their success!