Michael entered the TEECH Recovery Support program 5 years ago, coming from the correctional center with a desire to do something different. He set goals but his lack of resources, positive support, and skills was crippling his ability to make the necessary changes to his thinking and behavior so he could become a productive and responsible individual.

Although he was on the right track, he still struggled with his decision making.
Michael completed the program and continued to use TEECH as part of his support group while leading TEECH Alumni. Although he was on the right track, he still struggled with his decision making. He was dealing with numerous issues that were causing him to be overwhelmed. However, he maintained his recovery and did not reengage in criminal activity because of the relationships he obtained with his peers.
Michael was having serious medical issues and his mother was ill. He was having financial issues, and his housing was unstable which was a result of waiting for State benefits and housing to be released. In addition, he had children residing in and out of Chicago and he was dealing with parole.

TEECH attempted to assist Michael in all ways, by providing resources a safe place to talk, mentorship, and guidance. He eventually was offered employment which did not manifest until 1 ½ years later.
He realized he needed to do things differently if he wanted to live a productive and responsible life. He began to work on himself by addressing his medical, obtaining stable housing, and becoming intricate in his children's lives.
Michael teaches the environmental green cleaning class, and he keeps the building sanitized and structured. He also is engaged in educational courses as well as learning recovery coaching to better assist the participants. The ultimate endeavor of Michael's life he recently got married.
Michael has a set of twin girls who have been an inspiration to Michael's success in his recovery and life changes. He said his girls wanted him to be a part of their big day of graduation and move into their dorms. Michael said these requests gave him a tremendous amount of joy because he has missed so many big days in their lives. He said for the twins to want him involved showed he was moving in the right direction.

Micheal and twin daughters arriving for college move in day.
If you would like to be a part of our efforts and how we impact the community, please consider donating to our efforts. Please visit www.teechfoundation1.org/giving
*Funded in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery.