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Continuum of Care And Why It Is Important

TEECH Foundation

TEECH foundation is a program that adheres to the continuum of care and have seen a remarkable increase in long-term recovery for individuals they have served, just to name a few below who continues to work with TEECH as their Boots on the Ground, ROSC PLE’s.

Jackie Hudson – 5 years

Kimberly Goodman – 5 years

Coleman Jefferson – 5 years

Michael Russell – 5 years

Artist Easterline – 4 years

The continuum of care for substance use disorders and mental illness means offering a wide range of services to meet the individualized needs of people in recovery and with mental illness.

Any effective recovery plan must include an evident and streamlined continuum of care to provide the best possible outcome. A solid continuum of care is especially crucial for individuals receiving substance and mental illness services. In most instances, without continuum of care, individuals are more likely to fall through the gaps in the system, which results in poor care and an increased likelihood of mental breaks, resuming addiction, overdose, and other difficult outcomes.

  • Inpatient hospitalization: The highest level of care is reserved for people who need the most intensive services under the supervision of a team of professionals. These short-term services are frequently found in acute care hospitals.

  • Inpatient/residential treatment: Longer in duration than inpatient hospital stays, residential treatment can last from 28 days to one year or longer. These programs still provide 24-hour care from trained staff, but they will offer more freedom.

  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHP): PHPs provide outpatient treatment five days each week for four to six hours each day, meaning the person lives and sleeps in their home. This level of treatment is a match for people who need structure and consistency but are not appropriate for inpatient or residential.

  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP): If PHP is too much treatment, IOP could be the best option. IOPs provide about three hours of treatment two or three days of the week.

  • Outpatient: Standard outpatient therapy consists of hour-long therapy sessions ranging from several sessions each week or only one session each month. It can also include teletherapy services.

  • Aftercare: Aftercare services help you with coping skills for triggers, relapse prevention plans, extra resources, and peer support so you can stay sober and live a healthy, fulfilling life once you’ve left the facility.

In addition to these treatments, a person may need detoxification services that help the body rid itself of the alcohol and drugs safely under the care of professionals. Detox can take place in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

Similarly, medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, should be present on the continuum to manage addictions, cravings, or underlying mental health disorders. Not every person will need all services on the continuum, but it is important for each service to be available.

Benefits of Providing a Continuum of Care

Programs like The TEECH Foundation (set this for when they click on name it takes them straight to our website) have implemented services and resources that bridge care at every stage of the recovery process, including after their participants returns home. For example, a participant in crisis may be immediately referred to a stabilization facility. While in stabilization a continued treatment component is secured, so the participant goes directly from detox to treatment, followed by secured safe recovery focused housing and recovery support services. The recovery support services are offered by Recovery Community Organizations (RCO’s) which are peer ran and peer ran services. No clinical services are included in this modality of care. These services mostly intel, education on recovery coaching, recovery skills, spiritual support, peer support, mentoring, gemployment coaching, and employment training.

Before they leave rehab, our clients receive a follow-up plan for returning home, including resources they can use while transitioning to everyday life. The Recovery Village offers many aftercare options that carry people into lifelong recovery after their treatment, including:


Substance Use Program

T.E.E.C.H Substance Use Services are clinical services and are separate entities from their recovery support services. These services ensure all program participants receive the appropriate level of care to help them live a productive life. Mental health is one of the primary causes of resuming addiction and it has been determined that co-occurring disorders is prevalent within the recovering environment.

Substance Use Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Outpatient Programs

Anger Management


Family Sessions

DUI Program (Risk Education)

Recovery Community Organization

Recovery Support Services are a necessary component of the recovery process. T.E.E.C.H recovery support classes are peer-run and peer-led by recovery coaches and certified peer recovery specialists (CPRS). They are individuals with lived experiences and have a desire to help and support their peers in recovery. We focus on the recovery person, family, friends, and the community. We provide intensive support to those seeking to re-establish themselves in society, encouraging them to strive for life-long recovery and success.

Recovery Coaching

Spiritual Support

Peer Support

Family Support Services

Job Readiness & Placement

Multiple Pathways to Recovery


Referrals and Resources


Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

We recognize the impact that addiction has on family, friends, and the community so we invite them into the process.

Collaborations with family, friends, and the community


Addressing Stigmas and Stereotypes

Addressing Barriers in the Community

Monthly Meetings

Referrals and Resources




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2021 TEECH